Psychology Consultancy



Brand Consulting to support product or service development and marketing in psychologically sound language and concepts.

Areas of specialism include: childhood, motherhood, inclusion, diversity, mental health and emotional wellbeing.

I also have personal experience and insight of the South Asian diaspora and how we are a growing voice across platforms and markets.

I am particularly interested in the evolution of language and sharing of concepts over time, for instance the power and role of social media in social justice and visibility of the Global Majority.


Understanding human behaviour, relationships and dynamics within self, groups and systems are a Psychologist’s core skills.

I am able to offer a wide range of bespoke packages, tailored to your business needs.

The range of topics includes: mindfulness, managing anxiety, nurturing compassion, building resilience, finding a focus, building team relationships, effective communication, being an effective leader, positive management, identifying hopes and dreams in line with values, changing culture, finding direction for your team/ business, identifying skills in a team and it’s players.

well being

Increasingly, in a post Covid-19 world, we are prioritising our own and others’ well being.

You may want support with setting up an employee well being policy, including regular access to in-house psychological support. You may want a debrief or support for an individual or team following a difficult event.

I can also support with exploring change in culture in your organisation. For instance you may want support with thinking about inclusion and diversity.