
PARENTING Consultancy

For many parents the parenting journey is often a bumpy one, with many layers of complexity. The demands of parenting with the other stresses of daily life can leave many people feeling over whelmed with little space to think.

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Parenting consultancy is for parents who may feel stuck in patterns they would like to be different and/ or support in understanding and managing behaviour. It is also for supporting and nurturing communication and action that is better aligned with your family values.

I strongly believe that you are the expert on your family’s lives, but like all experts, you sometimes need support from someone independent and objective to help you move forward.


What is parenting consultancy?

Parenting consultancy is not therapy for you or your child. However, it is a place to think about relationships between you and your co-parent, and you and your child. Together with a Clinical Psychologist who has a background in working relationally with parents and children you might consider some of the following things to help you to figure out the way forward:

  • How do you set yourselves up to be the parents you want to be

  • Experience/ expectations/ hopes of being parents

  • Your own experience of being parented and the ‘blueprints’ we may carry

  • The journey so far and how it has shaped you

  • What you would like life to be as parents and as a family

  • What you want for your child - your hopes for them and their future

I use a range of theoretical models to help inform my work with parents including attachment, the Solihull approach (Psychodynamic approaches, child development, neuroscience and behavioural approaches), Incredible Years, Triple P and Mindful parenting to help equip parents with the understanding and tools to continue in their parenting journey.


who is it for?

Parenting consultancy is open to parents of children of all ages from the antenatal period, postnatal, early years and the teenage years. I work with parents who are couples, co-parents, single parents and adoptive parents or carers.

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next steps

For further information or to discuss please get in contact to arrange a free initial telephone consultation.