I specialise in supporting women with their health and well being. I work in an integrative way (using a wide range of evidence based models and theories such as CBT, ACT, Mindfulness, Narrative, Systemic, Psychodynamic and Attachment) to develop a bespoke and holistic working plan collaboratively with you. Please see the “About Me” and “What I do” pages for more information.

Who is therapy for?

womens mum mother health well being therapy marlow

Well, I might be a little biased, but I truly believe that having a therapeutic space is helpful for everyone, no matter how big or small they feel the challenges they face are. Therapy can even be helpful when you are feeling good, but want support with finding focus or learning more about yourself.

In the same way that we might go to the gym or for a run to look after our body and mind, therapy can be another avenue by which we can look after our mind and body.

Here are some examples of the challenges I am able to support with: anxiety, depression, trauma, low confidence, self esteem, resilience, perfectionism, fear of failure, self sabotage, grief and loss, loss of identity, work stress/ bullying/ burn out, relationship difficulties, transitions, divorce, co-parenting, blended families and supporting people with physical health conditions including Chronic Pain.

I also specialise in supporting parents and parents to be in the perinatal journey; from pre pregnancy to pregnancy, birth and the early years.



couples parents therapy psychology marlow

I offer couples work to help nurture communication and compassion between couples. We find that our intentions and values can often get lost in translation due to the stresses of everyday life. Relationship difficulties can heighten underlying fears or long held insecurities, further obscuring our intentions, getting us stuck in negative cycles of communication, that can hurt us and those we love around us.

Therapy with couples can be between you and your partner or can be used to help build a co-parenting relationship.


Please feel free to contact me to arrange a complimentary telephone consultation. I am happy to let you know more about psychology sessions and to answer any questions you may have.